2025 Conference program
April 5, 2023
Consolidation and future of the post-pandemic Mexican aerospace industry. The case of Safran in Mexico.

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Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors), defence and space markets. Its core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible. Since 1990, Safran is present in Mexico and has become the first employer of the Mexican aerospace industry which the last 15 years has experienced a two-digit growth every year. Nowadays, Safran in Mexico has a vigorous presence with 12000 employees and 19 business units. The new challenges of the aerospace industry open new opportunities in a market with an increasing demand: environmental objectives (carbon neutrality by 2050), supply-chain and procurement needs, human resources, MRO developments, etc. Our aim at Aeromart Montreal 2023 is to meet potential suppliers and exchange about these opportunities.
Czech Republic, the Aerospace heart of Europe

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Being one of the few countries in the world to boast this ability, the Czech Republic is able to design, manufacture and certify their aircraft completely in-house. This makes us the perfect one stop shop for all collaborative aviation projects. We are happy to discuss ambitious European aerospace R&D goals, and how to approach them and tackle the challenges. We see a great potential for collaborative projects between Canadian and European entities. And most of all, we aim to know how clusters and public institutions help to fulfill those ambitious goals.
Bombardier Supply Chain Outlook
Discover Toulouse and the Occitanie region, the global hub for aeronautics and space, pioneering the future of sustainable aviation

Philippe BAYLET
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The Occitanie region has a unique Eco system for the development of your aeronautical and space activities:
- Presence of 3 aircraft manufacturers: Airbus (world HQ) ATR (world
HR) and DAHER and new players (Aura Aero, Delair…)
- 80,000 jobs and more than 800 sub-contractors in aeronautics and
space 9,000 researchers and 19,000 students in the aerospace field
- A complete sector: Design offices, mechanics, avionics, aerostructures, interior fittings, Air Traffic management, MRO and deconstruction. The Occitanie Region is also positioning itself on the technologies of the future: zero emission aircraft, hydrogen, cybersecurity, Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence, carbon-free aviation (drones, flying taxis…)
- Presence of 3 aircraft manufacturers: Airbus (world HQ) ATR (world
HR) and DAHER and new players (Aura Aero, Delair…)
Bi-lateral collaboration : a 10-year anniversary

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Aéro Montréal and the Vermont Chamber of Commerce will acknowledge the strengths and benefits of 10 years of cross border collaboration between the State of Vermont and the province of Québec.